SBA, Testimonial One Heart Worldwide SBA, Testimonial One Heart Worldwide

“I want to communicate better with my patients and provide quality service at best level. Quality services can be only offered if we have right skills and enough resources. Before One Heart started working with us, we didn’t have sufficient equipment and well trained SBAs hence, encountered several difficulties. Now, the situation is different. We participated several lifesaving trainings like Postpartum, Eclampsia, Pre-eclampsia management training, refreshers in recent updates in well-equipped lab, rural USG trainings, Skilled Birth Attendant training helped us to sharpen the hands-on skills and built the confidence. That has reduced referrals to the higher centers and more women can access the service locally. Furthermore, we have also learned to use the local resources to manage the complication like use of Condom Tamponade to treat postpartum hemorrhage. This wouldn’t be possible without One Heart Worldwide support.”

~ Bishnu Risal (Simkhada), Senior Nurse and SBA, District Hospital, Dhading, 2016

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