“After hearing that the Durchim Birthing Center had an ultrasound machine, I was so eager and excited to go for my third ANC visit. I was maybe more curious and anxious than others during my pregnancy because my belly was growing bigger and larger than I expected. I was worried about the status of my baby and had so many questions and thoughts: what if there was too much fluid? And what if my baby was having problems? My SBA, Parbati Acharya, said she suspected twins during my second visit. And being a woman from a remote village, there was no way for me to get an ultrasound.
The very next day, I received a call from our Parbati informing me that I could now get an ultrasound at our local birthing center. Parbati scanned my big belly, and confirmed that I was pregnant with twins. I was so touched that I had goosebumps when she showed me the tab and pointed to show me my babies’ hearts pumping. After a few follow-ups, the babies still lay intersecting each other. I am grateful that the SBA referred me to a higher-level center in Kathmandu, where I had a C-section and successfully delivered two baby girls. Thanks for making my life easier and safer.”
~ Chuna Budhathoki, Durchim, Khotang District, 2016