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“Compared to before, home delivery in Panchthar is on the decreasing trend. We have good services at the District Hospital and accessibility of road with other districts, in case of referrals, is comparatively better than other surrounding remote districts. Number of birthing centers in the villages are also increasing. One Heart World-Wide has been collaborating with us to uplift the quality of maternal and neonatal health services in the district by renovation and upgrading of infrastructures, equipment support and valuable training for health workers and stakeholders. This has contributed to the improving services as compared to before. We hope for the same level of support and collaboration with OHW in the coming days. We recently came with a new plan and target, focusing improving the service of remote health facilities, for which the support of OHW is essential.”

~ Dr. Pawan Kumar Shah, District Health Officer and Medical Superintendent, DHO, Paanchthar, 2018

