Saving lives in Nepal

One Heart Worldwide provides 125 oxygen cylinders
to help COVID-19 victims in Nepal.

Story by Naresh Newar

One Heart Worldwide (OHW) team in Nepal has handed over 125 oxygen cylinders to the Government of Nepal today, 20 May 2021, to provide support in Nepal which has been suffering from an acute shortage of oxygen that is needed to save thousands of lives infected by COVID19.

Photo by OHW - Chief of National Trauma Centre, Dr. Santosh Paudel receiving handover letter from OHW of 30 oxygen cylinders today on 20 May:“We are indebted to support from OHW for its support in times of such crisis situation. This will boost the …

Photo by OHW - Chief of National Trauma Centre, Dr. Santosh Paudel receiving handover letter from OHW of 30 oxygen cylinders today on 20 May:

“We are indebted to support from OHW for its support in times of such crisis situation. This will boost the morale of many of our health staff who are on the frontline of helping COVID19 victims.”

The gas cylinders were brought in by chartered flight yesterday through government assistance and these essential supplies have been made possible with a donation from DAK Foundation via Rotary Australia World Community Services Ltd (RAWCS). 

At a time when Nepal is enduring an increasing number of infections and fatalities due to COVID19, the country has been in desperate need of more oxygen. Since the second wave of COVID19 attack from April 2021, the number of infected has been increasing rapidly and last week saw the highest number of deaths. All the hospitals were overwhelmed with the COVID patients without enough supplies of oxygen. 

“In such times of crisis, One Heart Worldwide has been a great help in our government endeavors to supply oxygen in Nepal. We want to thank both OHW and the donors from the core of our heart,” said Dr. Santosh Paudel, Chief of National Trauma Hospital in Kathmandu. 

OHW handed over 30 gas cylinders to National Trauma Hospital, which has now been providing specialized service to COVID patients. He said such support from development organizations like OHW has been provided a big relief and boosting the morale of the health workers who are on the frontline of helping in COVID management across the country. He shared that OHW’s support will contribute significantly in providing services for patients in the emergency ward, which is open 24 hours a day due to the influx of a huge number of people infected by COVID.

Photo by OHW - OHW brought in 125 oxygen cylinders on 19 May 2021 to contribute towards the Nepal government’s efforts to supply oxygen for COVID patients in hospitals. This supply was possible with help of DAK Foundation via Rotary Australia World …

Photo by OHW - OHW brought in 125 oxygen cylinders on 19 May 2021 to contribute towards the Nepal government’s efforts to supply oxygen for COVID patients in hospitals. This supply was possible with help of DAK Foundation via Rotary Australia World Community Services Ltd (RAWCS).

Nepal’s COVID situation has become so volatile and official statistics show that Nepal has one of the world’s highest rates of infections in terms of per capita population. Its rate of infections and deaths is now more severe than in India.

Many hospitals are now overcrowded with patients especially in the hotspot districts in all provinces and they are running short of oxygen due to an immense shortage of oxygen cylinders. This shortage is turning into a huge concern for both the residents and the government.

“We certainly hope that our support will contribute towards the Government of Nepal’s persistent endeavours to help Nepali people. We are also so grateful to DAK, and the Australian community for helping us in the time of our dire need,” said Mr. Surya Bhatta, Nepal’s Executive Director of OHW.

He recalls how DAK had taken their own initiative to collect funds and buy the cylinders from China. 

Photo by OHW - OHW has been actively supporting Government of Nepal in COVID19 response. Most of the oxygen cylinders will be sent outside Kathmandu in the most affected districts.Mr. Surya Bhatta, OHW Nepal Executive Director: “We are also so …

Photo by OHW - OHW has been actively supporting Government of Nepal in COVID19 response. Most of the oxygen cylinders will be sent outside Kathmandu in the most affected districts.

Mr. Surya Bhatta, OHW Nepal Executive Director: “We are also so grateful to DAK, and the Australian community for helping us in the time of our dire need.”

Mr. Bhatta had initially shared the critical situation of Nepal during an emergency briefing organized by Australian International Development Network, a forum for the global donor community. As a result, DAK took the initiative to support Nepal. 

OHW also acknowledges the support from the Embassy of China and deputy mission chief Mr. Sushil Kumar Sharma, Mr. Bhim Prasad Sapkota from the Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP), and Nepal Airlines, which had been instrumental in navigating the quick delivery of the oxygen cylinders.  

“For the last one year, we have been struggling to get as many gas cylinders as we can, and OHW has always provided great support. This recent supply of gas cylinders has provided us with huge relief and we are so grateful for their support and I want to thank them on behalf of Nepali people,” says Dr. Sagar Kumar Rajbhandari, Director of Sukhraj Tropical Hospital, where OHW handed over 23 gas cylinders. 

OHW will send the rest of the gas cylinders to 10 of the country’s most affected remote districts soon. In addition, OHW is also working on its plan to provide more support to both the Federal Government and local governments in their efforts to fight against COVID19.


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