Combatting covid-19 in nepal

A Helping Hand from One Heart Worldwide

By Naresh Newar, Kathmandu, Nepal

OHW team handing over the US$1.7 million worth of COVID care supplies including 350 oxygen concentrators to Hon’ble Minister Mr. Hridayesh Tripathi on 31 May 2021 at the Ministry of Health and Population in Kathmandu.

OHW team handing over the US$1.7 million worth of COVID care supplies including 350 oxygen concentrators to Hon’ble Minister Mr. Hridayesh Tripathi on 31 May 2021 at the Ministry of Health and Population in Kathmandu.

“This is a hard battle that nobody can fight alone. The help provided by Direct Relief and One Heart Worldwide (OHW) is a big relief for both our government and Nepali people,” said Mr. Hridayesh Tripathi, Hon’ble Minister, Ministry of Health and Population (MoHP) after OHW handed over US$1.7 million worth of COVID-19 care emergency supplies at the ministry today on 31 May 2021.

These supplies were arranged through OHW and provided by its US-based partner Direct Relief at the ministry. The supplies will be donated to the key government COVID-19 care hospitals from tomorrow in Kathmandu and other provinces and districts hit hardest by the pandemic.

“Our main urgency is providing oxygen to many COVID-19 patients and we are in short supply of oxygen cylinders. The help provided by OHW and Direct Relief has come at the right time and their support has been very significant in our efforts to help our people across the country,” said Dr. Roshan Pokhrel, Chief Specialist of MoHP.

The Direct Relief and OHW emergency supplies include 350 oxygen concentrators in addition to antibiotics, syringes, nebulizers, painkillers and other essential medical supplies. Dr. Pokhrel explained that the oxygen concentrators are an especially big relief for the government so that these can be used to fill the shortage of oxygen cylinders. The concentrators can run through electricity and can supply a steady supply of oxygen without having to refill.

“We want to thank OHW for coordinating this effort internationally to bring in such a big relief. This support was a result of the partnership between Direct Relief and OHW, and is the largest contribution ever made through any international civil society organisation (CSO),” said Mr. Pushkar Khati, Member Secretary of Social Welfare Council (SWC).

He explained how OHW has been able to take swift and impactful action in expediting the process to bring in these essential supplies through their effective management and teamwork.

COVID-19 care supplies packed by OHW team and ready to be distributed to government hospitals across the country

COVID-19 care supplies packed by OHW team and ready to be distributed to government hospitals across the country

Challenges ahead for Nepal

Since the second wave of COVID-19 hit Nepal, the cases have skyrocketed with more than 1200% increase since the second wave hit the country. The country’s health system has been overwhelmed with shortage of oxygen, ventilators and beds in the Intensive Care Units (ICU) and High Dependency Units (HCU) in both the capital city of Kathmandu and all the seven provinces.

“We still have a big challenge ahead of us. One of the biggest challenges is case identification and with its increase, we can also expect even more COVID-19 positive cases, and it is such an initiative like this by OHW and Direct Relief that will provide a lot of support especially through these supplies of especially the oxygen concentrators,” said Dr. Pokhrel.

The government hospitals that will receive these emergency supplies are the major centres for treating the patients who cannot afford private health care both in and outside the capital. These are the health centres where their ICUs and HDUs are now overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.

“These supplies are so important for not just for the Government of Nepal but especially to the low-income families who are in dire need of support,” said Dr. Swaraj Rajbhandari, OHW Senior Technical Advisor.

She explained that how OHW’s partnership with Direct Relief has been considered significant by the government.

“If these supplies can save even a few people, that would make a huge difference for their families. Every individual’s life matters and humans are not just mere statistics. This is why OHW will continue with its support during this crisis,” added Dr. Rajbhandari.

One Heart Worldwide team in Nepal has been working tirelessly to pack the COVID-19 medical supplies to expedite the transport to COVID-19 care government hospitals across the country.

One Heart Worldwide team in Nepal has been working tirelessly to pack the COVID-19 medical supplies to expedite the transport to COVID-19 care government hospitals across the country.

OHW’s support to the government

For the last 11 years, OHW has been working on maternal health working in close partnership with MoHP and SWC as well as municipalities to improve maternal and neonatal health care services. But with the pandemic crisis, OHW is also one of the few INGOs helping government of Nepal by providing COVID-19 care medical supplies that are key to saving lives infected with COVID-19.

“We are very grateful to get support from our partner Direct Relief and other partners who have been also helping us,” said Mr. Surya Bhatta, Executive Director of OHW.

He added that OHW’s concern is for the pregnant women and mothers in the rural areas where the pandemic situation has already affected their access to care like faciality delivery, antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC).

The country is already in a public health emergency and humanitarian crisis. Nepal has been struggling to with its health management system especially since the second wave of the pandemic.

OHW’s concern is also for the health service providers, who also need support so that they are also free from fear and are safe to continue treating their patients for institutional birth delivery, ANC and PNC counselling services.

“This is why we are working hard to ensure that the health post staff in the rural areas can get all the support they need who are on the frontline of providing care at the birthing centres in the most remote parts of the country,” said Mr. Nepal.

To ensure that these life-saving supplies for COVID care are sent soon, all of OHW team in Nepal have been helping in packing and arranging for transportation across the country.

“We know how OHW has been for more than a decade helped to improve maternal healthcare system. Their help during this crisis has been so valuable and our ministry and the government are very grateful,” said Dr. Pokhrel.


OHW on the ground


Rural birthing center helping to create a new culture of institutional maternal care