Jessica Vanzura, Board Member

Jessica is an attorney who has spent nearly two decades advocating on behalf of fraud victims. Most recently, she and her team secured a $951 million jury verdict, holding accountable some of those responsible for a massive fraud.

Jessica is very active in her community. She is the co-director of Young At Art, a non-profit organization that provides in-classroom art education to more than 5,000 pre-K to 8th grade students in the South Bay of Los Angeles. She serves on the Manhattan Beach Unified School District Advisory Committee. Jessica spent nearly eight years leading the philanthropy arm of West LA Parents of Multiples (Multiple Helpings), which provided donations and other support to parents of multiples in the Greater Los Angeles area.

Jessica graduated with distinction from Stanford Law School in 2005. While at Stanford, she co-developed and led a seminar: “Community Action for Social and Economic Rights.” Jessica spent two January terms putting the seminar’s work into action in Ghana, through a joint project with Stanford Law School, Harvard Law School, the Harvard School of Public Health and the Ghanaian Legal Resource Centre.

Jessica graduated summa cum laude from the Boston College Honors Program with a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematics. She now lives in Manhattan Beach, California with her husband and twin daughters.


Dr. Judith Steinberg, M.D., MPh, Board Member


Dr. Usha Jha, Nepal Advisory Board Member