Dr. Kirsten Meisinger, M.D., MHCDS, Board Member

Dr. Meisinger has extensive expertise in medical system transformation with a focus on primary care, value-based care and high functioning team development. She has designed, implemented and taught numerous learning collaboratives at the national level in multiple countries. She was National Faculty Co-Chair for the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) initiative “Transforming Clinical Practices Initiative” (TCPi), and co-chair of the CMS ICOAG Affinity Group. She is a founding member of the Health Equity Collaborative. Dr. Meisinger was a faculty expert for Australia’s national Health Care Home Initiative, their national program for primary care practice transformation. She is faculty in Brazil for the national primary care transformation project to establish the standards for primary care in the private sector and has ongoing projects in Nicaragua, Nepal and Mozambique.

Dr. Meisinger is the former Medical Staff President for the Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA), a current Regional Medical Director in Primary Care and the CHA Director of Provider Engagement. Dr. Meisinger has an active panel as a Family Doctor at the Union Square Family Health Center, a CHA practice, and has been Medical Director of the site since 2008. Union Square Family Health Center is a highly decorated Patient Centered Medical Home (PCMH) which in 2012 was selected a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation LEAP practice: one of 30 notable ambulatory care sites in the US.

She has faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School, Tufts University, and the MGH Institute of Health Professions. She is faculty lead at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement Latin American team and faculty on the Health Equity Fellows program of the Harvard School of Public Health as well as the Harvard Center for Primary Care.

Dr. Meisinger earned a BA from Brown University, her medical degree from Case Western Reserve University and completed a Family Medicine Residency at the Greater Lawrence Family Health Center in Lawrence, Massachusetts. She completed a Master of Health Care Delivery Science at Dartmouth University. 

She speaks fluent Portuguese, Spanish and French. She can get away with ordering food in German. She likes caring for living creatures in her home life as well and lives in Massachusetts with her husband and 3 children, a dog, and a huge garden.


Evan Kaplan, Board Treasurer