In June, just as the official COVID-19 lockdown was lifted, heavy monsoon rains caused severe flooding that triggered massive landslides, resulting in tremendous damage and loss of life in three of our program districts.
OHW was able to work with the local government and stakeholders to rebuild the facility and replace the essential equipment required to resume service for the 75 annual pregnancies seen in that facility. This emergency relief effort was accomplished in addition to our regular program activities.
“My words are not enough to express my thanks and gratitude to OHW for all the support it has provided to our Bala Birthing Center.
We had been working so hard to improve the quality of our birthing center and to increase institutional delivery, and we were moving successfully towards our goal [when] this landslide and flood washed away all our hopes, along with the physical infrastructure of the birthing center. The equipment was buried and destroyed by the landslide.
Thankfully, OHW has always supported us in saving the lives of mothers and newborns and has helped us resume our regular maternal and newborn health service.”
— Indra, Auxiliary Nurse Midwife, Bala HP, Sankhuwasabha District